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Tuesday, April 27, 2010



Term 1, 2010

Tutor, Scot Aldred

Assignment 2, 1000 words

Reflective synopsis blog posting


Michael Rhodes

Due 30/04/10

Submit the URL of your Blog via the Moodle Assessment Task 2 (Learning
e.Journal) link.



Elearning can be a powerful tool when applied correctly in a classroom setting. Students are no longer bound by traditional methods of learning, they are free to use and accumulate information from a wide variety of sources. I see teacher's roles as being motivators and moderators. Student’s handicaps can be lessened and sometimes negated whilst using many of the user-friendly programs available today.

Students are not academically bound by physical locations, gender or age, as long as they have connectivity via the internet. Many communities, children and schools achieve this connectivity by using a satellite dish. Nowadays this enables children to learn 24 hours a day, privately or collaboratively, whilst being connected to the global village.

Fortunately, there are large amounts of different elearning types for teachers and students to use. This is particularly important, as not all students learn the same way, so different strategies using different elearning may have to be employed. Some pupils are auditory learners, some are kinesthetic, others may be visual, the main point is they should be guided to expand their realm of knowledge and creativity. Photo editing, sound production, film editing and quests are particularly useful in improving student’s higher order thinking.

Many students are not aware of their own technological potential, they may not have been given the opportunity to experiment with it or they might not have been shown what they can actually do with it. Quests have proven to be a valuable way of learning for many students, but authentic tasks appear to have a longer lasting effect. I also believe that children have the right to know how technologies actually work, this is what inspired my Power Point presentation concerning what makes a computer work (posted on my Blog).

Many techniques and strategies have changed since I originally started a teaching degree back in Adelaide, 1991. I think back to that time and now and remember how I laboured trying to make lessons interesting and engaging whilst using recorders, OH projectors and videos. I first discovered the power of using ICT’s whilst studying at JCU and during a teaching prac at Charters Towers School of the Air. I was impressed by the use of computer communication technology to teach such isolated children. The student’s acceptance, participation and genuine enjoyment was not what I had experienced at previous schools.

I am always searching for new teaching methods, as this is such a dynamic mode of learning/teaching. Students seem to naturally gravitate to using new and exciting technologies, possibly because they play such a large part of their every-day living. EDED20491 has encouraged me to explore new technologies whilst considering the advantages of using them in a classroom setting.

There are many elearning opportunities that can be utilised whilst teaching various aged students. When our youngest boy was four, he continuously stole his older brother’s Nintendo lite. He kept playing around with it and kept deleting my 9 year olds highest scores. It was not until 3 months later that we realised that he was actually beating the top scores! We underestimated his persistence and his abilities. What amazed us the most was that most of these games had written directions of what to do, but he could not read. Clearly, he was using other methods to play and master certain learning experiences. This is a good lesson to remember whilst teaching in a classroom setting.

I have personally been interested in computers and technology since my Dad bought a Commodore 64, I am sure you remember them Scot. In most of my jobs since then, I have been able to use a myriad of programs. Everything changed with the beginning of the World Wide Web when connectivity became the norm. EDED20491 has encouraged me to consider how and why we should use ICT’s in an educational setting. I have naturally adopted some of the pedagogies learnt in EDED20941 with my own children. In fact, they often conclusively prove what I have learnt about children needing to be engaged and guided to explore the net. Children’s safety is paramount to me, as is my own discovery of new and exciting ICT’s.

I have found that many of the teaching staff at my learning experience placement school are not particularly computer literate and that they delegate all of ICT work to one person. I have found all of the ICT resources in EDED20491 useful and appropriate to use in my teaching prac. I have saved some of my peer’s lesson plan ideas, as they will be of use to me as well. I have appreciated comments from my peer and in turn have enjoyed commenting on their Blogs. I have also communicated to a few of my peers on the p2p chat feature on EDED20491.

Once I discovered which topics were appropriate to discuss in which rooms, I did so accordingly. I now understand (as shown in my blog) that there are different blogs for different reasons. I started my EDED20491 learning journey blog rather unprofessionally but corrected this problem as I continued. Blog discourse is very important for the purpose of understanding, privacy issues and legal ramifications. At the very most, I am guilty for posting a poem concerning why I am studying and how hard it is to fit it all in.

Many of the students in my teaching prac class are underprivileged or have learning difficulties and the school is also grossly under-resourced with ICT’s, which makes teaching with ICT’s quite hard. This is why I want to let the students have as much hands on experience as they can. I will be taking in old computers, phones and digital clocks for them to take apart, explore their construction/uses/limitations and then document their findings for comparison and review. I am also aware of the gender gap concerning ICT’s and will endeavour to alleviate this in my class as much as possible.

All up, EDED20491 has been a good learning experience made even better by a tutor that promotes interactivity within the course, collaboration of students and exploration with ICT tools for teaching. Once again I would like to take this opportunity to thank Scot for his persistant ICT help and my peers for their comments and encouragement.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

More week 8.....

Joe Wood's blog concerning the use of Google Earth would be really useful to use or adapt whilst teaching children about finding, marking and retieiving particular locations on our planet. The video was extremely clear about the use of this application and where you could use and store it.

The wikipedias content concerning educational ideas, plans and thoughts is a great resource for teachers and students alike. I was involved in the production of a wiki whilst attending JCU in Townsville. The only problem that I encountered was the mediation of that particular wiki. So prompt and fair mediation should be used whilst students are involved in or out of school. I would be interested in other GDLT students eperiences with open wikis.

Inpcompetec is a legal method of downloading certain music. I would enjoy using some of this music in various way, one being during short meditation periods used to reasure and focus children. I would also utilise this web site to find music to compliment PP presentations, art and drama classes.

Week 8......

The video clip that I posted above was downloaded from Utube on 18/04/10

I believe that this is a great time to be involved with teaching. There is so much connectivity to quality resources via the net and many technologies to display it. This a good thing as children are all so different in which the way they learn. The exploration of these resources, such as Utube, is open to all students who are connected to the www. I used Utube as a resource with great success whilst doing a teaching prac at the Charters Towers School of the Air. Some of the students required initial assistance, as I did with my Mahara and Blog accounts.

My fellow GDLT peers have also helped me with some ideas and reviews of my work in the EDED20491 course. In paricular, I have spoken at length with a peer regarding the use of computer programs with pre-readers and how they acquire the knowledge to participate in programs designed for children that can read.

I have always had the belief that a good technology is only useful if it is interesting, helps achieve a goal, shortens a chore and is user-friendly. Unfortunately this means a lot of trial and error with some programs/technologies to assess what is useful for one's own purpose.

Week 8......

Monday, April 12, 2010

week 7 activity 2.....

I normally use Windows Picture Manager to crop or resize my photos so I am familiar with this type of application (Picnik)and its limitations. It would be very interesting to see how much the students already know about this type of programmand to see how, as Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998)discussed,they relate, create and donate using a technology that enhances their own work. With students editing their own photos, it would be an authentic learning experience and one that would assist their understanding of self-editing for the future.

I also believe that these types of editing technologies are particularly suited to visual learners. The steps used on most editing applications are easy to learn and fully reversible. These two attributes would alleviate a users fears of making mistakes and promote exploration.

I have placed a link at the top of this post that leads to a cropped and resized photo that I did on Picnik.
Engagement Theory:
A framework for technology-based teaching and learning
Greg Kearsley & Ben Shneiderman (1998) Retrieved 12/04/10

Week 7..............

The learning experience continues as I began to experiment with flickr. Although I have viewed friend's photos on Flickr, I have not joined nor learnt to use this program. Joining was easy, transferring another member's photo to my blog was not so easy. Maybe I missed something but I found it quite hard to transfer pics from the actual site. I will play around with it later and conquer the problem.

As a learning tool though, Flickr would be a wonderful way of introducing a different type of technology. Students would be motivated to share their photographic prowess and utilise a program that promotes creativity. A class account could be established and collaborative learning would take place via sharing of ideas, choosing photo subjects, taking pictures, discussing and comparing each group's photos. I have added another member's photo as required for this activity.

This may also hone the student's photographic abilities whilst creating a real-life record of what they were interested in at a certain time in their lives. These kind of pictorial diaries are easy for students to do, store and refer to at a later time. This type of program is also relatively safe as personal information can be hidden and the member decides who can see what.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Supplement to week 6...

Just a quick thank you to Scot for the assistance with accessing my blog. It really makes sense to use consistant usernames and passwords, ones that are easy to remember but are still have good security characteristics. These are also good lessons to pass on to students, possibly when we are discussing cyber safety, cyber bullying and/or viruses. It has also become apparent to me that self-exploration is a great method to expand student's curiosity and abilities. The other subject that I wanted to touch on is the way I am learning from many of the other GDLT students. It just proves that you don't have to be sitting next to some one to work collaboratively.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 6.....

I've always enjoyed making PP presentations, even though it is so time consuming. Slideshare caused a few hickups for me as there is no sound any more and no movement of information. I have kept this presentation as simple as I could for my 5/6 class as the student's abilities vary so much. In my lesson, groups of students will physically dismantle 4 desktop computers, explore,identify,discuss and document the computer's internal parts.

It will be quite interesting to see which students use computers and what they use them for. I believe that this kind of real-life learning interaction is what the Engagement Theory is all about. If given the chance, I would like the class to make a working computer. I made one and I'm sure that some of my students are more than capable of doing the same, they probably just don't know it.

PP's are a great visual aid for students as long as they are quick, simple, and imaginative. I have used them only to compliment a lesson rather than to be a lesson in itself.

April 8, 2010 5:30 AM

What's in the box PP presentation

Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 5

I have finally got around to putting a "Voki" on my blog. This application would be a great resource to use in an educational setting. I believe that students would be more inclined to be egaged with aspects of entertainment that they are use to. I think back to my learning experiences at school and wish that I could have be entertained whilst learning in this way. My two boys would much rather see a cartoon figure advising them about information rather than seeing and watching me talk!

We are not sure about what will change in the future concerning teaching methods but fun, engagement, real life learning and life long learning could and should always be enhanced in any way possible (Sir Ken Robinson, 2006). It's also the small things that occur whilst using technology that are beneficial. Important occurances such as improved reading, improved writing, better understanding, better analysis and more risk taking take place in many ICT learning environments. Students need to become experts in transferring new information from their sensory memory to their working memory and then embedding this information in their long-term memory (Dr. Graham Cooper, 1998). Vygotsky (1962) stated that social interaction
greatly influences a persons learning in a positive manner. This, I believe,is what ICT is all about, the interconnection of engagement, socialising, learning, risk taking and memorising.



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Started my new wiki

This afternoon I started a wiki and was pleasantly suprised how user friendly the instructions and site were (wetpaint). This is not my first wiki but certainly the easiest one to join and navigate around the site. On a previous wiki the students in a course I was doing all had to make posts concerning how to improve the course we were doing at the time. It started of very well but eventually some students formed groups and flooded/hyjacked the wiki. So I believe that wikis are a fantastic tool for collaborative learning, however, they need to be moderated in one form or another.


Week 4

George Lucas certain has developed a fantastic philosophy towards our youth and learning. Basically he suggests that if you give students a 'real' task, one that they see value in, there is a much better chance of them learning about the tools (maths,science, english ect) that will enable them to complete the task. If they see the relevance, it is meaningful and interesting then they will remain engaged and suceed in most areas. I can't think of a better way to explore ICT learning than via a successful technology implementer such as George Lucas.

Learning experiences can greatly be enhanced by using very simple strategies -

Keep subjects matter real (for students)
Show relevance (to students and their future)
Make it interesting
Change teaching styles now and again (keep it fresh)

Only a few of my teachers actually made the lessons interesting which truly inhibited my learning and that of other students in the class. Hopefully by the end of GDLT I will be much better informed about learning strategies and how to implement them.

I looked at the blog that Scot posted as an activity, it was very cleverly assembled. There was a miriad of information and a chance for students to participate. It showed some very interesting utube clips on how to create creativity and what it can do for you. It also argued that being good these days is sometimes not good enough. We should not always err on the side of caution but sometimes go out on and edge and be different. Ok, now of to get other peers blog feeds and to start my own wiki!


Friday, March 19, 2010

Week 3...a very interesting one

This week we learnt about Dimensions of learning (DoL). Most up-to-date schools are using DoL as a learning/teaching framework for students to achieve positive results. In my eyes it is all a way for learning managers to cover all areas of productive learning. DoL can also readily be used as a learning check list to incorporate important learning strategies.

I am amazed out how complete the DoL are and how logical and simply it can be used as a educational framework. As I have said earlier, the Dol's and the 8 LMQ's fit together like a jigsaw puzzel. DoL 1 and 5 offer an useful insight into how learners learn best where as DoL 2 seems to fit best with with numbers 1 to 6 of the * LMQ's. They all appear to be concerned with what need to be learned, how, resources, knowledge intergration and meaning construction.

The slides concerning Procedural Knowledge (know how to do stuff) and Declarative Knowledge (know stuff) were very clear in distinguishing their differences. Declarative knowledge is to do with concepts/generalisations, organised facts and factlets while Procedural knowledge is deals with macroprocesses, stategies and directions.

more soon, have to go out

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I hope that this hyperlink will allow you to see my previous posts on my other blog.


Things that make you go hmmmm...

Ok, my original blog now works so some how I will have to try to cut and paste from my other blog onto this one. I also have to stop the feed from the other blog and make a new feed from Mahara this blog..................clear as mud :-)


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Eye opener

Just a quick note to say how amazed I am at the amount of experience and knowledge that I have encountered whilst reading the forums in EDED20491.
As you can see by my photo, I've been around for a while but I am continually suprised with all of your ideas and thoughts concerning different topics.

Hope somebody reads this one day, lol


Friday, February 26, 2010

Almost forgot...

If you get tired of reading my blog and you have some spare time, have a go at some of the games down the bottom of the page.


Well, as you can see I started this blog some time ago. I was going to use it for discussing food and all things todo with food. Time got the better of me, so now Iwill use this blog for GDLT.