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Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 7..............

The learning experience continues as I began to experiment with flickr. Although I have viewed friend's photos on Flickr, I have not joined nor learnt to use this program. Joining was easy, transferring another member's photo to my blog was not so easy. Maybe I missed something but I found it quite hard to transfer pics from the actual site. I will play around with it later and conquer the problem.

As a learning tool though, Flickr would be a wonderful way of introducing a different type of technology. Students would be motivated to share their photographic prowess and utilise a program that promotes creativity. A class account could be established and collaborative learning would take place via sharing of ideas, choosing photo subjects, taking pictures, discussing and comparing each group's photos. I have added another member's photo as required for this activity.

This may also hone the student's photographic abilities whilst creating a real-life record of what they were interested in at a certain time in their lives. These kind of pictorial diaries are easy for students to do, store and refer to at a later time. This type of program is also relatively safe as personal information can be hidden and the member decides who can see what.


1 comment:

  1. The photo that I used used in the above post for week 7 was taken from Flickr on 12/04/10
