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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 6.....

I've always enjoyed making PP presentations, even though it is so time consuming. Slideshare caused a few hickups for me as there is no sound any more and no movement of information. I have kept this presentation as simple as I could for my 5/6 class as the student's abilities vary so much. In my lesson, groups of students will physically dismantle 4 desktop computers, explore,identify,discuss and document the computer's internal parts.

It will be quite interesting to see which students use computers and what they use them for. I believe that this kind of real-life learning interaction is what the Engagement Theory is all about. If given the chance, I would like the class to make a working computer. I made one and I'm sure that some of my students are more than capable of doing the same, they probably just don't know it.

PP's are a great visual aid for students as long as they are quick, simple, and imaginative. I have used them only to compliment a lesson rather than to be a lesson in itself.

April 8, 2010 5:30 AM

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