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Sunday, April 18, 2010

More week 8.....

Joe Wood's blog concerning the use of Google Earth would be really useful to use or adapt whilst teaching children about finding, marking and retieiving particular locations on our planet. The video was extremely clear about the use of this application and where you could use and store it.

The wikipedias content concerning educational ideas, plans and thoughts is a great resource for teachers and students alike. I was involved in the production of a wiki whilst attending JCU in Townsville. The only problem that I encountered was the mediation of that particular wiki. So prompt and fair mediation should be used whilst students are involved in or out of school. I would be interested in other GDLT students eperiences with open wikis.

Inpcompetec is a legal method of downloading certain music. I would enjoy using some of this music in various way, one being during short meditation periods used to reasure and focus children. I would also utilise this web site to find music to compliment PP presentations, art and drama classes.

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