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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 8......

The video clip that I posted above was downloaded from Utube on 18/04/10

I believe that this is a great time to be involved with teaching. There is so much connectivity to quality resources via the net and many technologies to display it. This a good thing as children are all so different in which the way they learn. The exploration of these resources, such as Utube, is open to all students who are connected to the www. I used Utube as a resource with great success whilst doing a teaching prac at the Charters Towers School of the Air. Some of the students required initial assistance, as I did with my Mahara and Blog accounts.

My fellow GDLT peers have also helped me with some ideas and reviews of my work in the EDED20491 course. In paricular, I have spoken at length with a peer regarding the use of computer programs with pre-readers and how they acquire the knowledge to participate in programs designed for children that can read.

I have always had the belief that a good technology is only useful if it is interesting, helps achieve a goal, shortens a chore and is user-friendly. Unfortunately this means a lot of trial and error with some programs/technologies to assess what is useful for one's own purpose.

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