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Friday, March 19, 2010

Week 3...a very interesting one

This week we learnt about Dimensions of learning (DoL). Most up-to-date schools are using DoL as a learning/teaching framework for students to achieve positive results. In my eyes it is all a way for learning managers to cover all areas of productive learning. DoL can also readily be used as a learning check list to incorporate important learning strategies.

I am amazed out how complete the DoL are and how logical and simply it can be used as a educational framework. As I have said earlier, the Dol's and the 8 LMQ's fit together like a jigsaw puzzel. DoL 1 and 5 offer an useful insight into how learners learn best where as DoL 2 seems to fit best with with numbers 1 to 6 of the * LMQ's. They all appear to be concerned with what need to be learned, how, resources, knowledge intergration and meaning construction.

The slides concerning Procedural Knowledge (know how to do stuff) and Declarative Knowledge (know stuff) were very clear in distinguishing their differences. Declarative knowledge is to do with concepts/generalisations, organised facts and factlets while Procedural knowledge is deals with macroprocesses, stategies and directions.

more soon, have to go out

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