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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 4

George Lucas certain has developed a fantastic philosophy towards our youth and learning. Basically he suggests that if you give students a 'real' task, one that they see value in, there is a much better chance of them learning about the tools (maths,science, english ect) that will enable them to complete the task. If they see the relevance, it is meaningful and interesting then they will remain engaged and suceed in most areas. I can't think of a better way to explore ICT learning than via a successful technology implementer such as George Lucas.

Learning experiences can greatly be enhanced by using very simple strategies -

Keep subjects matter real (for students)
Show relevance (to students and their future)
Make it interesting
Change teaching styles now and again (keep it fresh)

Only a few of my teachers actually made the lessons interesting which truly inhibited my learning and that of other students in the class. Hopefully by the end of GDLT I will be much better informed about learning strategies and how to implement them.

I looked at the blog that Scot posted as an activity, it was very cleverly assembled. There was a miriad of information and a chance for students to participate. It showed some very interesting utube clips on how to create creativity and what it can do for you. It also argued that being good these days is sometimes not good enough. We should not always err on the side of caution but sometimes go out on and edge and be different. Ok, now of to get other peers blog feeds and to start my own wiki!


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